Online Applications
Baylor Medical Center of Frisco now offers applications the ability to submit employee applications online. Using .NET and Microsoft SQL, our team implemented new secure forms for data entry allowing prospective employees to fill out applications online that would save all the data to a data warehouse for future retrieval either by the prospective employee or Baylor's staff. Please contact us if you would like more information on the tools we develop for office productivity.
Hazardous Materials
This hazardous materials website was developed by customizing a new .NET solution based off a legacy VB6 application. Our team migrated the data as well as optimized the Microsoft SQL database to increase performance. Very little table changes were require with this new release as we wanted to maintain the integrity of the existing data. Please contact us if you would like more information on our hazardous materials development case study.
UPS Integration
Cookies by Design has their enhanced distribution model with an improved rate selector using UPS integration. Our team developed a new web service to batch in their cookie orders and relay back the optimum delivery method based on weight, delivery zip, and transit days. This new process is integrated with their web shopping cart directly to UPS. Please contact us if you would like more information on our shipping rate optimizer case study.
EDI Delivery
Texas Stock Tab (TST Impreso) has streamlined order entry and invoice delivery with new EDI mappings and communications. Our team implemented their top wholesalers and distributors using EXTOL Integrator on the AS400 / iSeries. Transactions include purchase orders (850), advanced ship notifications (856), and order invoicing (810). Please contact us if you would like more information on our EDI Integration background.
Latest Releases
08.01.20 | CONTINUUM MSP
Managed Service Partner Announcement
New partnership with Continuum Managed Services. Cloud computing is only going to grow at the expense of on-premise server and network infrastructures. Already 40% of small and medium sized businesses rely in part or completely on the cloud. Our partnership with Continuum allows Softworks to support multiple onsite and cloud based I.T. infrastructures with remote monitoring tools and support staff.
01.22.21 | Online Point of Sale
Cookies by Design, Plano Texas
SoftWorks delivers Cookies by Design online Point of Sale (POS). Technology advancements allows the use of cloud computing and website terminals to run multiple franchise Cookie by Design bakeries and shoppes.